The Utility Energy Forum offers utilities and companies that work with utilities an opportunity to sponsor the Forum and to secure exhibit space, if desired.  Below are a list of Current Sponsors and Exhibitors along with a description of Sponsor Opportunities and the Exhibitor Opportunities.

Sponsor - Gold Level

Sponsor - Silver Level

Host - Thursday Dinner & Trivia Night

Host - Wednesday Lunch

Host - Energy Quiz

Green Sponsor ........................................ $6,750 ($6,200 for utility/govt) Early Bird Rate
                                                         $7,000 ($6,400 for utility/govt) after December 31, 2024

  • Up to 5 conference registrations with 2 nights each of upgraded (until sold out) room accommodations
  • Primary logo recognition in email promos and on slides during refreshments breaks throughout the event
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with "Meet the Exhibitors" snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out)

Gold Sponsor ........................................ $4,050 ($3,550 for utility/govt) Early Bird Rate
                                                       $4,300 ($3,800 for utility/govt) after December 31, 2024

  • Up to 3 conference registrations with 2 nights each of standard room accommodations
  • Secondary logo recognition in email promos and on slides during refreshments breaks throughout the event
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with "Meet the Exhibitors" snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out

Silver Sponsor ........................................ $2,700 ($2,150 for utility/govt) Early Bird Rate
                                                         $2,900 ($2,400 for utility/govt) after December 31, 2024

  • Up to 2 conference registrations with 2 nights each of standard room accommodations
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with "Meet the Exhibitors" snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out

Host Opportunities

Dinner Host(Wednesday) ........................................... $3,100

  • Exclusive remarks/recognition where you may provide branded items (gift, napkins, etc.) during Wednesday dinner
  • 2 conference registrations with 2 nights each of hotel room accommodations
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out)
  • Primary logo recognition in email promos and on slides during refreshments breaks throughout the event

Dinner & Trivia Night Host (Thursday) .......................$3,500

  • Exclusive remarks/recognition where you may provide branded items (gift, napkins, etc.) during Thursday dinner
  • 2 conference registrations with 2 nights each of hotel room accommodations
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out)
  • Primary logo recognition in email promos and on slides during refreshments breaks throughout the event
  • Option to provide input on Trivia Night questions to tie to your product or services for increased brand exposure

Lunch Host (two available) .......................................... $3,100

  • Exclusive remarks/recognition where you may provide branded items (gift, napkins, etc.) during your choice of Wednesday lunch or Thursday lunch
  • Up to 2 conference registrations with 2 nights each of standard room accommodations
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out)
  • Primary logo recognition in email promos and on slides during refreshments breaks throughout the event

After Dinner Networking Event Host (two available) ...$3,300

  • Exclusive remarks/recognition where you may provide branded items (gift, napkins, etc.) during your choice of:
    • Wednesday Networking dessert with hot toddies & networking game
    • Thursday Networking wine tasting event with charcuterie board
  • 2 conference registrations with 2 nights each of hotel room accommodations
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out)
  • Primary logo recognition in email promos and on slides during refreshments breaks throughout the event

Energy Quiz (one available) .......................................... $2,000 - Reserved by Efficiency Services Group

  • Exclusive remarks/recognition during Energy Quiz
  • 1 conference registrations with 2 nights each of standard room accommodations
  • Opportunity for Expo space reservation with snapshot panel presentation for $1,000 additional (until sold out)
  • Secondary logo recognition in email promos and on slides during refreshments breaks throughout the event

Add-on SponsoRships!

Increase your brand exposure with additional sponsorship opportunities. Sponsors and exhibitors may add one of the following options to their sponsorship package. (Note these are only available to sponsors and exhibitors and cannot be purchased as a standalone sponsorship.)

Signature Cocktail (2 available) - $350
Sponsors choose a signature cocktail to be offered at the pre-dinner exhibitor’s reception on Wednesday or Thursday. As the sponsor, you choose the drink and you get to name it! Be creative and choose something that represents your brand or product.

Conference Lanyards (1 available) - $500
Sponsor the conference lanyard and have your company name printed on the lanyards for increased brand exposure.

Conference Gift (1 available) - $500
Sponsor the conference gift to all attendees and have your company logo included on the item with the Utility Energy Forum logo. Sponsorship does not cover the cost of the gift, but helps cover the cost of upgrading the gift and the cost of branding the item with your logo for increased brand exposure. Conference gifts are popular items that remind people of the event long after it has ended.

To Become a Sponsor or Host:

Register online. You may choose to pay online by credit card or receive an invoice to pay by check.  Questions?  Contact

Expo Map

Current Exhibitors

Booth #1: Available
Booth #2: Available
Booth #3: Available
Booth #4: Available
Booth #5: Reserved
Booth #6: Franklin Energy
Booth #7: Skycentrics
Booth #8: Tricklestar
Booth #9: Synergy Companies
Booth #10: Reserved
Booth #11: Eco-Logical
Booth #12: Reserved
Booth #13: Available
Booth #14: Efficiency Services Group
Booth #15: Available
Booth #16: Available
Booth #17: Available

Exhibitor Descriptions

Exhibitor Opportunities

Click to view the attendees who came in 2024 to learn if this is the right audience for your product or service.

Exhibitor: $2250

  • This is a table-top exhibit space around the sides of the meeting room and not a trade show space.
  • One table-top or pop-up exhibit space
  • One 6-foot table with 2 chairs
  • Meeting room and hall are carpeted. 
  • One attendee registration with standard hotel accommodations
  • Logo, web link and 50-word description with full contact information on UEF web site
  • Pre- and post-conference attendee registration lists in electronic form
  • Opening day 3 minute timed "Meet the Exhibitors" snapshot introduction to your company
  • Expo hours from noon Wednesday to noon Friday (you may not set-up or tear down during sessions)

Reserve your booth now!

If you need to ship your exhibit, ship to:

<your name>, Guest – Arriving <insert check in date>
Utility Energy Forum
c/o Cambria Pines Lodge
2905 Burton Drive
Cambria, CA 93428

Note: The Cambria Pines Lodge is not a conference facility and does not have storage space available for large items. Please plan to have your boxes or exhibits arrive no earlier than Monday, April 20, 2025, or storage fees may be applied to your hotel reservation. Fees will be determined based on the size of the items that must be accommodated. You will be responsible for arranging pick up through your shipping firm for return shipping. The hotel is not equipped to do this. Please arrange for pickup on the afternoon of April 25, 2025. Note that pickup may not be scheduled prior to noon on Friday, as it disrupts the conference sessions.